Your MK Debut achieves 3 Things for your Business:

  1. Your Debut announces to your friends and family that you are in business! The goal of your Debut is to produce Sales, New Bookings, and New Team Members.
  2. Once your Debut is completed, your Debut Group will be turned into your Customer VIP Group!
  3. Your Debut is set in a Post Party Format. Once your Debut is completed you will be able to book Hostesses for future Parties. Simply use the posts that were used in your Debut.

Top Tips for a Successful Debut:

  1. Over 50+ Members in your Debut Group.
  2. Welcome each member individually on the front of your Group Wall.
  3. Comment on every post. Ask your Recruiter to join group and encourage her to also post. Create Conversations.
  4. Watch to see who likes or comments on Hostess Posts - Contact through messanger about being a Hostess for you.
  5. Watch to see who likes or comments on MK Opportunity posts - Contact thru messanger and ask if she would be willing to watch a video for you.

    CRITICAL TIP: On the last Day be sure to contact each person using the script listed below.

Script to use the last day of your Debut.
During the last day of your FB post party send a private message through messanger to every person who has joined the fb party group.


    Hi Sarah!
    (wait till she responds...DO NOT POST ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL SHE RESPONDS)

    Thanks so much for attending my (or insert hostess name) MK FB Party!

    My MK Party will close out later today. Is there anything you would like order to be in the GRAND Prize drawing?

      (If the party is for a hostess use this)

      Susie Q's MK Party will close out later today. Is there anything you would like to order to help your friend Susie q with her hostess credit? This will also give you a chance in the Grand Prize Drawing!

    (wait till she responds)

    Would you be interested in Hostessing your own MK FB Party to win FREE products? This will also help Susie Q with her hostess credit!

    If positive response....

    Great! Which week would you like schedule it for this upcoming week or next?

      (Any response...proceed with)

      Also this month I am giving away ____ to every guest who would be willing watch a quick video and share your opinion with me with a quick conversation. Would you be interested in receiving a FREE _____.

    (If she says yes...respond great! Send her an MK opportunity video and immediately schedule the time to have a conversation)

    Before you end your conversation, ask if she would like to be added to your private VIP customer group.

    (Last text)

    Thank you so much for supporting my (or hostess name) MK PARTY! :)